
To document the relationship between contiguous regions, use the <Relations> element. After defining the <ReadingOrder>, the element <Relations> must be used to indicate the relationship between the elements and regions. The element <Relations> is mainly used to document the relationship of a drop capital to the following paragraph.

The following relationships must be documented. Thereby you have to differentiate between a join and a link.

  1. Usage of join
    • for <Word> and <Word>

      This is the case if a word is separated at the end of the line and continued on the next line.

    • for <textRegion type="drop-cap"> and <textRegion type="paragraph">

      This is the case if the drop capital contains only one character or letter and not a whole word.

    • for <textRegion type="paragraph"> and <textRegion type="paragraph">

      This applies when the paragraph has been split into columns and the last word of the paragraph continues in the following paragraph.

  2. Usage of link
    • for caption and image floating
    • for <textRegion type="paragraph"> and <textRegion type="paragraph"> This is the case when the paragraph is divided into columns and the last word of the pragraph is not continued in the following paragraph. It is a continued paragraph.
    • for <textRegion type="drop-cap"> and <textRegion type="paragraph">

      This is the case if the drop capital (drop-cap) contains a whole word.


            <OrderedGroup id="ro_1542737988725" caption="Regions reading order">
                <RegionRefIndexed index="1" regionRef="TextRegion_1476719248728_212"/>
                <RegionRefIndexed index="2" regionRef="r_7_1"/>
                <RegionRefIndexed index="3" regionRef="region_1476719221656_210"/>
                <RegionRefIndexed index="4" regionRef="region_1476719208569_209"/>
                <RegionRefIndexed index="5" regionRef="TextRegion_1476719753697_244"/>
                <RegionRefIndexed index="6" regionRef="r_13_1"/>
                <RegionRefIndexed index="7" regionRef="r_15_1"/>
            <Relation type="join">
                <RegionRef regionRef="region_1476719208569_209"/>
                <RegionRef regionRef="TextRegion_1476719753697_244"/>