ocrd_modelfactory package

Factory methods to create models for data, files, URLs.


Create OcrdExif by opening an image file with PIL and reading its metadata.


image_filename (str) – Local image path name (relative to workspace).

ocrd_modelfactory.page_from_file(input_file, with_tree=False)[source]

Create a new PAGE-XML from a METS file representing a PAGE-XML or an image.


input_file (OcrdFile) – file to open and produce a PAGE DOM for

Keyword Arguments

with_tree (boolean) – whether to return XML node tree, element-node mapping and reverse mapping, too (cf. ocrd_models.ocrd_page.parseEtree())

ocrd_modelfactory.page_from_image(input_file, with_tree=False)[source]

Create OcrdPage from an OcrdFile representing an image (i.e. should have @mimetype starting with image/).


input_file (OcrdFile) – file to open and produce a PAGE DOM for

Keyword Arguments

with_tree (boolean) – whether to return XML node tree, element-node mapping and reverse mapping, too (cf. ocrd_models.ocrd_page.parseEtree())